Audit Delay, Profitability, Solvability, Company Size, Public Accounting Firm Size, auditors opinionAbstract
This study aims to examine and analyze the significance of the variables that influence audit delay in LQ-45 stock companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study used scientific methods, the population in this study were 52 LQ-45 stock companies listed on the IDX. The year range used in this study is 3 years, namely 2020-2022. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and a sample of 25 companies was obtained. The study used descriptive statistical tests, convergent validity tests, discriminant validity tests, composite reliability tests, Crobsh's Alpha tests, R-Square tests, Fit Model Results, Multicollinearity tests, Multiple linear regression analysis tests, and hypothesis testing with SMART PLS-4 as a processing application. research data. The results showed that the variable profitability and firm size had a significant positive effect. While the Solvency and Auditor Opinion has no significant negative effect, the size of the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) has a significant negative effect. The ability of the variable profitability, solvency, company size, size of the public accounting firm (KAP) and auditor opinion, in explaining audit delay of 12% is indicated by the adjusted R square of 0.120 while the remaining 88% is explained by other variables outside this research model.
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