DOI: Kunci:
Supervision, Compensation, Leadership, Employee PerformanceAbstrak
The study was conducted to explore the relationship of Supervision, Compensation, and Leadership on Employee Performance on PT. Citra Putra Kebun Asri (CPKA). The population of this study is 477 employees of PT. Citra Puta Kebun Asri (CPKA). In order to determine the sample, this study used Slovin Formula. The questionnaires were distributed to 83 sample respondents. The data were analyzed by using SPSS Software Version 19.0 and Linear Regression. The result showed that Simultaneously Supervision, Compensation, and Leadership has a significant on Employee Performance, but the result of study partial test shows Supervision has no significant on Employee Performance, while Compensation and Leadership has a significant on Employee Performance. Benefits of providing input or information for companies in the development of Human Resources, especially in the areas of Supervision, Compensation, and Leadership PT Citra Putra Kebun Asri Banjarmasin.
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