DOI: Kunci:
Economy, Social Assistance, Tanah LautAbstrak
In this study aims to determine the effect of social assistance on the level of welfare of the Tanah Laut district community during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this case the forms of social assistance are Cash Direct Assistance (CDA) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (NCFA), data obtained to be used as research material from questionnaires that have been distributed to respondents in Tanah Laut district which are then analyzed using the regression analysis method. simple. The results of the study revealed that social assistance distributed by the government had a negative relationship or influence on the welfare of the Tanah Laut Regency community during the Covid-19 pandemic, which means that if the nominal social assistance was increased, the welfare of the Tanah Laut community had decreased, and vice versa. Factors causing social assistance to negatively affect the welfare of the people of Tanah Laut are the inequality in efforts to improve the welfare of the economic community in the middle to middle range, this is based on the statement of respondents that there are cases of aid misuse that prioritize the distribution of aid only to relatives of relatives only officers where they are considered financially capable compared to affected communities. This has made social assistance a negative influence on the level of welfare of the Tanah Laut community during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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